Zoning Enforcement


Rindge Zoning Enforcement Officer
Would appreciate your assistance in providing uniform enforcement
Zoning ordinances prohibit -
Numerous unregistered automobiles
Junk vehicles, construction equipment, machinery
Stored scrap materials, tires, lumber
Improper home businesses
Auto sales in residential districts
Wetland ordinances prohibit -
Tree cutting/slash piles near lakes, ponds, wetlands
New septic systems near wetlands, ponds, lakes
No fertilizer use within 25 feet of all wetlands
Sign ordinance will be enforced -
Size limitations
Annual fees paid to town

If you believe you have an issue with any of the above, call the Town Office, 899-5181 ext. 101, to investigate your concerns. We all want to enjoy a clean and safe town we are proud to live in. Zoning, Wetlands, and Sign Ordinance violations destroy the quality of life in Rindge and are not acceptable.